Most companies don’t die because they are wrong; they die because they don’t commit themselves.
"Most companies don’t die because they are wrong; they die because they don’t commit themselves. They fritter away their momentum and their valuable resources while attempting to make a decision. The greatest danger is standing still." - Andrew Grove
Technology is a fast-paced space that is constantly changing. If you become complacent and stop inventing, pivoting, iterating, you’ll fall behind and spend all your time playing catch-up. It doesn’t matter if your company is 15 days old or 15 years old, constant momentum is vital to staying relevant.
As software continues to evolve, the tools buyers need to evaluate that software evolves too. What worked when computers were brand new (and connected to the internet with that cringe-inducing screeching noise) isn’t going to work in the world of 2018. With that in mind, we created a new type of report to help buyers navigate the ever-changing landscape of various software categories: a Momentum Grid.
What is a Momentum Grid?
Our Momentum Grid shows the growth trajectory that products have had in their respective spaces over the last year. The Momentum Grid identifies products that are on a high-growth trajectory based on user satisfaction scores, employee growth, and digital presence.

It’s one more perspective we can provide buyers to help them with their buying decisions. If a company/product is starting to fall behind, it might be time to consider a different player in the space that’s been outpacing its competitors. Like Sheryl Sandberg said in her 2012 commencement speech for the Harvard Business School, “If you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, do not ask what seat! Just get on.”
With a Momentum Grid, buyers can gain insight into products that are outpacing competitors by delivering innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of their users. Buyers can also evaluate products on the Momentum Grid to keep apprised of products that are pushing the boundaries of their respective spaces.
I haven’t seen a Momentum Grid for every category – where is it?
We released Momentum Reports for six categories for Summer 2018, with plans to release 15-20 more with the Fall 2018 reports. You may remember our announcement in February that we were moving to automated quarterly reports. We’ll be adding Momentum Reports to our quarterly automated report cadence starting this winter and creating them for every category with enough data.
The Nuts and Bolts
The Momentum Grid measures products based on their User Satisfaction and Momentum Scores. The Momentum Score measures changes in the product’s web presence, social media presence, employee count, and the increase in the number of reviews on G2, all over the past 12 months.
Growth is measured in both aggregate and percentage terms and scores are graded relative to the category. Check out our G2 Scoring Methodologies page to learn more about what goes into our algorithm.
Want to make sure we have enough data for future Momentum Reports for your category? Chat with us to learn more about getting reviews. After all, “Momentum begets momentum, and the best way to start is to start.” - Gil Penchina