Celebrating 10 Years of G2

October 27, 2022

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of G2 this month, this quote from Bill Gates comes to mind: “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.” When I reflect back on G2’s journey and growth over the past decade, this quote resonates deeply.

In 2012, I was sitting in Godard Abel’s basement with Mike Wheeler, Mark Meyers, and Matt Gorniak chatting about this idea of a software reviews site. The five of us tapped into our entrepreneurial spirit, took a leap of faith, and opened our first office in a small space with a leaky roof in Highland Park, Il. At that point, I was just trying not to lose the money my dad invested in the company.

Fast forward 10 years and here I am, celebrating the incredible PEAKs and milestones G2 has reached: 700 employees around the world, five offices, millions of visitors to our marketplace each month, 1.9 million reviews, and a $1.1B valuation. It’s still a little surreal.

Today, I head up G2 Labs — G2’s department dedicated to experimentation and innovation. For four years though, I had the great privilege of serving as the company’s CEO. During that time, I experienced incredible highs as the leader of a growing and dynamic company, but there were also tough times when we had to make difficult decisions. Regardless of which stage of the journey we were in — from the early days when we were just trying to stay afloat and not let a leaky roof drip onto our computers (literally), to the years when I served as CEO, to now as part of the G2 Labs team — I have felt tremendous joy.

The primary source of that joy has been working with the people of G2, many of whom have become lifelong friends and have taught me so much and pushed me to grow. G2ers have always been the heart and soul of this company, which is why I can’t think of a better way to reflect on our 10 years than to hear from those who helped make it all happen.

We asked 10 G2ers — one person who joined us at each full year of our journey — “What is your favorite G2 memory?” In what’s reminiscent of a mini G2 yearbook, see what they had to say below. Each memory brings a smile to my face and I hope it does for you too.











It’s safe to say that G2 would not be where it is today without our people. As we look ahead to the future, we have big ambitions and big PEAKs to climb. While it’s impossible to predict what that journey will look like, we know that we can’t do it without the right people, and so we will continue to grow and invest in our smart, diverse, talented, and kind global community.

To all who have helped G2 along the way—the veterans, the newcomers, and the hundreds of alumni around the world—thanks for everything. Onward to the next 10 years.

Celebrating 10 Years of G2 G2 was founded in October 2012, so this month we are celebrating our 10th anniversary. As we reflect back over the years, we’re sharing some of our favorite memories from current G2ers and even some of our alums — all of whom have played a role in G2’s success and where we are today. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/G2%20at%2010%20Campaign%20-%20Blog%20post%20-%20Culture%20Blog%20-%20Yearbook%20Listing%20-%20JO.png
Tim Handorf Tim Handorf is a G2 co-founder and Head of G2 Labs. https://learn.g2crowd.com/hubfs/tim-handorf-g2crowd.jpg