What Hispanic Heritage Month Means To Us

October 11, 2024

Each year from September 15  to October 15, the Latinx & Allies ERG along with millions of others across the United States, observe Hispanic Heritage Month. Started in 1968 by Congress as Hispanic Heritage Week, it was expanded to a month-long celebration in 1988. The celebration begins in the middle of September to coincide with independence days in several Latin American countries on September 15 including Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica followed by Mexico on September 16. The month wraps up  with Columbus Day or Día de la Raza on October 12.

Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to celebrate, honor, and explore the impact of Hispanic and Latinx Americans in the United States. The Latinx and Hispanic presence in America spans centuries and even predates  European colonization when indigenous people from what is now Central America migrated to what is now the United States. Today, the Latinx population of the United States today is over 60 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau and makes up nearly 20% of the total population and is the largest racial or ethnic group. Throughout U.S. history Latinx’s have made contributions as entrepreneurs, athletes, artists, entertainers, scientists, public servants, and much more.

Hispanic Heritage Month is especially meaningful to me because it reminds me of the strength, beauty, and pride that comes from embracing our roots. As a first-generation Mexican American from Albany Park, Chicago,one of the city's most diverse neighborhoods,Hispanic culture has always been a central part of my life! Growing up in Albany Park, I was immersed in a rich mosaic of Latinx traditions—from the food to the celebrations—and witnessed how each culture brought something unique to the community. Those experiences not only shaped who I am today but also deepened my appreciation for the incredible diversity and unity within the Latinx community. It's a powerful reflection of how honoring our heritage connects us to one another and strengthens our collective identity.

As a co-lead of the Latinx & Allies ERG, I wanted to use this platform and this moment to spotlight the members of our ERG. In celebration of this month, I asked the members of our ERG: “What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you? 

Laura Ledesma
Sr Support Coordinator; Latinx & Allies Co-Lead

It means celebrating being a proud Latina and everything that comes with it—although, that's every day! I like to take advantage during this month to acknowledge and share all the amazing successes our communities have made - Latinx owned businesses, arts, food, music, and more.

Alexandra Vazquez
Sr Content Mktg Specialist

For me, Hispanic Heritage Month is just an excuse to be louder about celebrating the culture and traditions that make me who I am. It’s a time to recognize the history and pride that runs deep in my family. It also reminds me of the strength and unity in my community here in South Florida, filled with families like mine who share similar journeys of perseverance and hope for future generations.

Alexis Suarez
Business Development Representative

Hispanic Heritage Month to me is a celebration of the strength, resilience, and the beauty of my culture. As a proud Mexican Latina, it is a time to honor the roots that ground me & the traditions that shape me. I honor my grandparents, who sacrificed so much to provide their family with better lives, and carry their legacy forward with gratitude and pride.

Daniel Rivera
Market Research Analyst

Hispanic Heritage Month is a meaningful reminder to stay connected to my roots. It's not only a time to celebrate our Hispanic heritage or Latinidad, but also a chance to honor the sacrifices and efforts that have shaped me today. It truly means the world to me that we get an opportunity to reflect on our culture, and it inspires me to continue embracing my own identity.

Marina Schlosser
Market Research Analyst

This is the time of year where Latinx and Hispanic people come together and celebrate the impact that our culture--art, food, history, inventions, traditions, and language--has had on the U.S. and the world. We share what we have in common, put aside our differences, and become a stronger community because of it. I am so honored to be part of such a proud and colorful group of people. We uplift one another which allows for our collective future to shine brighter.

 Brandon Valdez
Lead, People Analytic & HRIS

When I reflect on Hispanic Heritage Month, it’s taking pride in the work ethic that I grew up around that was instilled into me. Even moreso, it’s recognizing the sacrifices my family has made to provide me with opportunities. I reflect on the migration of my grandmother from Guatemala, and the impact of that one decision, which provided me with a wealth of opportunities in this country. It’s celebrating that journey, and ensuring hispanic students, like those I mentor at my alma mater, are aware of the opportunities available to their generation as well.

Hannah McMaster
Lead,  Engagement and Culture

Hispanic Heritage Month has become an opportunity to learn more and more each year about my husband’s culture, and the nuanced experience of being Mexican American. We’ve celebrated Mexican Independence day with festivities in Chicago and CDMX. It’s a privilege to witness, participate in, and carry on the important celebrations that mark this occasion, whether that’s making traditional recipes at home, playing music, dancing or being with family.

Nora Kawaguchi-Rodriguez
Talent Acquisition Partner

Hispanic Heritage month is all about celebrating the diversity and cultural traditions of Hispanic & Latino communities. For me, this month is also a reminder to support your local Latino businesses and promote them in your respective area! As an ally, I was so warmly welcomed into my husband's Salvadorian family and I have a much deeper appreciation for my inlaws and all of the immigrant parents out there who sacrificed to make a better life for their children.

Banks Concepcion

Director, Commercial Sales; Executive Sponsor, Latinx & Allies

I am a proud child of immigrants. I was fortunate enough to be brought up in a family that embraces our beautiful culture by weaving it into my life in many ways. 

In every culture, there is a story waiting to be told. Our ancestors paved the way for us and it is imperative we honor their legacy and continue building a future where everyone belongs. Today and everyday we use this as a time to reflect on our past, celebrate our present and embrace our future.

I decided to write this blog because, no matter where I am, it's important for me to find and build community. The Latinx & Allies ERG at G2 provided a place to share, grow, and connect. It has played an important part in my professional growth, helping diminish my imposter syndrome as I get to know and learn from the incredible and talented Latinx professionals at G2. I hope you will join me in honoring Hispanic Heritage Month and also take some time to celebrate with your personal and work communities as well. 

What Hispanic Heritage Month Means To Us Each year from September 15 to October 15, the Latinx & Allies ERG along with millions of others across the United States, observe Hispanic Heritage Month. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/G2CM_FI005_Culture_Blog_Image_%5BHHM-24%5D_V1b.png
Jacqueline Cambron Jackie Cambron is a Mid-Market BDR, focused on initiating conversations with companies seeking to harness their customer voice for go-to-market success. She also co-leads the Latinx & Allies ERG, dedicated to celebrating and uplifting Latinx professionals. A Chicago native, Jackie enjoys exploring new restaurants, spending time with her cats, and thrifting for trinkets and vintage pieces. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/jacqueline-cambron.png