A Revamped Martech Map, Powered in Part by G2

December 8, 2022

If you follow marketing technology, then you’re familiar with the Martech Map (or “supergraphic” as it’s been called). The vendor logo-filled graphic originated by Chiefmartec.com editor Scott Brinker in 2011 when there were just about 150 different solutions featured. 

Year after year, its growth has been exponential. Flash forward to today and you’ll find over 10,000 different solutions on the modern day Martech Map! The number of tools isn’t the only thing that’s changed over the past decade plus either. Brinker has teamed up with Martech Tribe founder Frans Riemersma to partner on this beast of a landscape graphic which is now featured on martechmap.com

An easier way to view, compare, and filter martech to spot trends and gain new insights

And just earlier this week, during a “Martech for 2023” virtual event, the duo announced the latest upgrade. Rebuilt and powered in part by G2, the map is now much easier to navigate, with filters for country, category, # of reviews, G2 rating, revenue, # of employees, and year founded. 

As the landscape continues to grow, this type of custom filtering allows users to dig in themselves much more easily. Riemersma encourages folks to visit the Martech Map and combine filters for ratings with a sub-category, along with a certain age of a company and size in terms of staff count, or revenue. You can slice and dice based on your needs or interests. “It’s so seriously addictive!” he says. We agree. 

Testing out the new feature: Are martech users happier with older or newer tools? Are the most used tools the most liked?

During their event this week, the two showcased real examples of how the new Martech Map filtering can be leveraged to uncover new insights about the current and future state of martech. For example, the pair examined adtech – one of the oldest types of martech – against content and social, which are relatively young. 

Their takeaway when looking at ratings among these categories is that software users are generally happier with younger tools. The older the tool, the lower the rating. This is just one correlation though, so they peeled back another layer to reveal that smaller vendors tend to have higher ratings. The hypothesis from this brief analysis indicates that older, larger companies are at risk of being disrupted by innovative, new startups. 

In another example, we see that the most used martech tools are not always the most liked (according to G2 ratings). Brinker and Riemersa go on to note that the most used AND liked martech is leaning towards integration, collection, and collaboration. 

Tapping into data to forecast 2023 martech trends

These findings help set the stage for other emerging trends. The five trends in particular these martech masters explored during the event as we look to 2023 are: 

  • Trend #1: Generative AI & Personalization
  • Trend #2 Activating Cloud Data Warehouses
  • Trend #3: Ecosystems & Community 
  • Trend #4: No-Code, In-House Creators. 
  • Trend #5: Web3 & Metaverse (but with a question mark to highlight skepticism as this being an “anti-trend”)

In closing out the event, Riemersma shared his wish for Marketing Ops to take over the world. “They will need to lead the way…through hype cycles,” he advises. Reflecting on their presentation, Brinker appropriately observed that “One thing that’s a constant through all of this is change,” while urging attendees to increase their adaptability. 

As a G2er and martech fan, hearing these two nerd out on all things martech was music to my ears. If you missed the event, you can catch Brinker’s recap on Chiefmartec.com (with links to the recording and presentation slides). 

And, of course don’t forget to register for martechmap.com to gain free access and test out all the new filters. We’d love to hear any notable, or even surprising, insights you uncover as you get lost in your analysis. 

A Revamped Martech Map, Powered in Part by G2 Rebuilt and powered in part by G2, the Martech Map is much easier to navigate, with new filters for country, category, # of reviews, G2 rating, revenue, # of employees, and year founded. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/FeaturedImage-MartechMap-DA-V01@2x-1.png
Palmer Houchins Palmer Houchins is the VP, Head of Marketing at G2. He previously served as a senior marketing leader and G2 customer at Mailchimp (acquired by Intuit) and CallRail ($125M+ in funding). https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/g2-leadership-palmer-houchins@2x.png https://www.linkedin.com/in/palmerhouchins